Every single body will benefit from Pilates.

This might seem like a strong claim, but with patience, persistence and practice you will feel and see the benefits. Pilates is not a “quick fix” but I aim to make classes & individual sessions fun, enjoyable and varied, to keep both your mind and body challenged so that progress is consistent and rewarding.

As a qualified physio, I understand that there are some movements that just aren’t possible, safe or beneficial for certain injuries or conditions. Individual sessions (mat or Reformer/Cadillac) are tailored to target your specific requirements and classes are always small so that I can provide individual input to ensure you can get the most out of the class.

Pilates works on “balancing out” your body - lengthening tight areas, strengthening weaknesses, combating the strains and stresses that our bodies have to deal with day in and day out. (Be those hours sitting at a desk or training for a triathlon).

Pilates can play a key role in effective rehabilitation, injury prevention and maximising sporting performance. Dancers have benefited from Pilates for years and more recently rugby players, footballers, golfers, riders and many more are reaping the benefits.

Maybe you aren’t a sporty person, but would like to be able to walk the dog without your hip niggling, or to pick up your grandchild without fear of back pain, maybe you can feel that your balance isn’t as good as it used to be.

There is no minimum level of fitness/bendiness required to start Pilates and equally there are always marginal gains to be made for even the fittest individual.

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